組み合わせも、使い方も自由自在。 もちろん家電製品の品揃えも豊富です。一人暮らし用の小さめ家電も多く、新生活には最適。 無印良品はもともと......
我需要在家里的Mac的环境把私有jar包添加到本地maven仓库。首先我使用brew安装maven: $ brew install maven ... maven-3.3.3 already installed. 本以为安装了maven命令行就可以。远远没有那么easy,运行mvn命令就提示下面的报错信息。 Problem #1Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/maven/cli/MavenCli......
If your git index for some reason becomes invalid, no need to worry. Your index is corrupt when you see this error running usual git commands like git pull, git status, etc.: error: bad index file sha1 signature fatal: index file corrupt Though it sounds bad, your changes are still there. Fix it by first removing the index file, then resetting the branch: rm .git/index git reset You should be all good now. To be safe, make a backup of .git/index before you delete it. source link: http://makandracards.com/makandra/5899-how-to-fix-a-corrupt-git-index