私有项目脱离敏感数据通过git rm file肯定是不能够满足这一需求的,git历史记录中还是能够查看被删除的内容的,导致敏感数据的泄露.那么,就必须要彻底删除git的历史记录了. 从仓库总清除文件 git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch path-of-remove-file......
作为一只代码🐒,每天上班的第一件事必须是打开IDE开发工具,然后拉取代码,合并代码;查收回复邮件。如果工程比较多,或者周一的时候,挨个在每个工程上点右键-->fetch-->merge代码,如此往复每个工程,这酸爽简直😂了~ 我每......
Problem I save my repo in dropbox, and one day (see date below) it went crazy. Now I get these warning every time I try to autocomplete a branch name I am using Dropbox to sync a git repository, but now when I try and push I am getting an error: fatal: Reference has invalid format: 'refs/heads/master (MacBook-Pro's conflicted copy 2015-06-11)' Fixing So, it seems that Dropbox detected a conflict and created a copy. Ok, no problem, so I deleted the conflicted file. Still, getting the......