
环境准备 Jmeter(本文以2.8为例) jdk 1.5+ 多台机器 (假设3台,IP分别为:,, 工作原理 1台机器做为总控机,其他机器作为节点机。总控机器,负责将JMX脚本分发到节点机上,各个节点同时独立运行,向......


基础趁手兵器/工具 Apache commons-lang3 字符串处理工具 Google Guava 字符串/集合/反射等全系列处理工具 mybatis-generator 这个自己改改源码用来生成dao和mapper.xml代码还是很6 druid 对外透明数据连接池,面向监控而生,阿里开源 spring-mvc 用来设计RESTful接口/最好能......

Mocking with JodaTime's DateTime and Google Guava's Supplier

If you're a seasoned unit tester, you've learned to take note when you see any code working with time,*concurrency*, random, persistence and disc I/O. The reason for this is that tests can be very brittle and sometimes down-right impossible to test properly. This post will show how to abstract out "time" by injecting a replacement for it in the consumer. This post will be using Spring 3 as the Dependency Injection container, though Guice, other DI containers or constructor/setters on POJOs would work......